DCC November 2024 Report
1:37pm Friday, November 29th, 2024

The heading photo is DCC President, Earle Wikle. Who needs two computers to do everything he does for the DCC.
DCC Tuesday night attendance has been slipping, quite possibly due to the 10 dollar entry fee. Some justification is due to rising DCC expenses, which are not unlike the rising prices of everything else. Last year the church board wanted to raise the rent to 600 dollars a month. Mainly thanks to Pastor Sheri Admiraal an agreement was reached to remain at 500 dollars through 2024, with the condition that the rent would increase to 600 dollars per month in 2025. Plus there is a 50 dollar monthly fee for the Deep Rock water dispenser. Other DCC expenses are required liability insurance, TD fees, USCF rating fees, and pens and scoresheets. The last sounds trivial but adds up. It's doubtful that the DCC could find another location for less or the same rent, that would match the excellent playing room and location we have now. This is all besides the 3300 dollar hotel rent for each of our four yearly weekend tournaments. Speaking of which, the DCC Tribute to Martin Luther King is January 18 -19, 2025. So then, that will be enough griping about the cost of everything. It is what it is. The DCC payouts a substantial prize fund each month, giving every player, regardless of their USCF rating, a chance to play for free and take home some walking around money.
Tuesday night games in progress. Photo by Shirley Herman
In the Tuesday night Premier section, with a 1st round bye and a last round upset win over NM Eamon Montgomery, Alex Steger took 1st place with 3.5 points and won 107 dollars and 35 cents. CM (Candidate Master) Rhett Langseth and Christopher Motley each ended up with 3 points, and each player won 53 dollars and 68 cents. Youngsters Grayson Manuel and Henry Kovacs both finished with 2 points that were all from winning against higher rated opponents. Grayson (1891) won the 30 dollar Premier 1st Upset Prize for his round 1 win over NM Daniel Herman (2179), in addition to winning the 20 dollar 2nd Upset Prize for his round 2 draw against NM Richard Shtivelband. (2208). Grayson also held Jarod Heap (1978) to a draw. I played Grayson in a Thursday night game a while back, and let's just say I suffered. :-)
Foreground: Grayson Manuel (w) vs. Rhett Langseth (b). Other board: Eamon Montgomery (b) vs. Alex Steger (w).
In the Tuesday Night U1900 section, there was a three way tie for 1st place. Kristopher Zelkin, Andrew Starr, and Sumanth Kaja all finished with 3 points, and they share the combined 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place prize of 206 dollars and 91 cents. Another young DCC player, Pranav Male (1308) won the 30 dollar 1st Upset Prize for his round 2 win against Bill O'Neil (1600). Joe Aragon (1300) won the 20 dollar 2nd Upset prize when he beat Abhijay Balamurugan (1590) in the last round.
In the Tuesday night U1500 section Kevin Eaton continued his winning ways this month. After a round 1 bye, he won three in a row to take 1st place and take home 103 dollars and 45 cents. Bhaskar Rajagopal lost in the last round to Mr. Eaton, but won the 2nd place prize of 62 dollars and 7 cents with 3 points. Tanay Kataru, James Anders, and Jackson Curry all ended up with 2.5 points and each player won 13 dollars and 79 cents.
Kevin Eaton (w) vs. Bhaskar Rajagopal (b)
I've previously mentioned that Shirley Herman (996) is upping her game. Proof of this is that she won the 30 dollar U1500 1st Upset prize for her win against William Moraja (1126) in round 2. In addition to taking the full point from William Trout (1068) in round 3. the 20 dollar 2nd Upset Prize was won by Ingle Makemson (1028) for his round 3 win against Arthur Taratuta (1157)
A fine photo of Ms. Herman's hair and left hand while playing James Anders
Thursday night games in progress. Photo by Shirley Herman
In the Thursday night Premier section, The DCC Treasurer, Luis Jimenez, gets to write himself a 90 dollar 1st place check for his 3.5 point final score. CM Rhett Langseth, Jarod Heap, Forrest Lundstrom, and Tyler Poole all finished with 2.5 points and they share the combined 2nd and 3rd place prize, of 135 dollars. Mr. Lundstrom had big Upset wins against both Mr. Heap and Daniel Herman. But guess who won the 20 dollar Premier Upset Prize. Yes, Grayson Manuel. Here for his round 1 win against once again, NM Daniel Herman. That's tugging on Superman's cape I'd say :-)
In the Thursday night U1600 and Unrated section, Nick Hvizda 1325) finished with a perfect 4-0 score that included a last round upset win against Jacob Zirin (1569). Thus, in addition to the 1st place prize of 90 dollars, Mr. Hvizda also won the 20 dollar Upset Prize.
Nick Hvizda in deep thought. Photo by Shirley Herman
Isaac Richardson and Logan Stewmon are both unrated and they played very well to finish tied for 2nd and 3rd place with 3 points, and they each won 50 dollars and 63 cents. Petra Lambert Gorwyn won the U1600/U1300 prize of 33 dollars and 75 cents with a final score of 2.5 points.
Rhett Langseth was paired against Grayson Manuel (b) and also took on Vangel Yurkov (w) as an extra game. Mr. Langseth won both games. Welcome to the DCC Mr. Yurkov.
As always thanks first and foremost to the players who fight for prize money and USCF rating points at DCC tournaments. Thanks also to the DCC Tournament Directors who show up every week at both DCC locations and get the pairings right. Thanks to the DCC Treasurer, Luis Jimenez, for writing prize money checks that don't bounce :-)
TD Weston Taylor playing a game with really classy pieces. Photo by Shirley Herman
...and here are a few more of Ms. Herman's crisp clear photos
Tuesday night Premier section top boards. Photo by Shirley Herman
Jacob Zirin figuring things out. Photo by Shirley Herman
We have room for at least 30 more players on Thursday night... Photo by Shirley Herman
...and plenty of room for more on Tuesday night. Photo by Shirley Herman. Thanks again to Ms. Herman for the pictures that are used in these DCC reports. My pictures don't measure up.
Games Section
Best Game
by NM Christofer Peterson
The winner of this month's best game prize is Alex Steger. He won a nice game over NM Eamon Montgomery, the current Colorado State Champion. That game was a little too technical for my liking, however. Instead, I chose his victory over Luis Jiminez. The game has a lot of teachable moments in it. I hope my analysis provides some insight and helps you bring your game to the next level.
Steger, Alex (2054) - Jiminez, Luis (1973)
Round 3 of DCC Tuesday Nights [ 11.19.2024 ]
1) Daniel Herman vs. Brian Wall IHOP Quick chess. Round 1. White has just played 13. Rf1xf3, capturing a Bishop. NM Wall's comment: "Game Over, White is collapsing.
1a) the same game White has just played 15. Nc3-d1. Black to play and open the line of communication between the Queens.
2) Brian Wall vs. Isaak Parpiev IHOP Quick chess. Round 2. This is the same 14 year old Isaac Parpiev from Moscow who won the DCC 2024 Fall Classic with a 5-0 score. This game made the kid's score against Daniel Herman, Brian Wall, and Richard Shtivelband 7- 0. Seven wins, no loses against Colorado's best. NM Wall says "I should have played 7. e4xd5 e6xd5 8. Qd1-e2+ with a better game. My 7. e5 was a positional mistake. The game just got worse and worse after this." Brian says the youngster has now moved to Virginia. Hopefully, he will occasionally return to Colorado to play in DCC tournaments.
4) Alexander Steger vs. Eamon Mongomery Tuesday. Round 4. Final Position. Black resigned. White is a couple of pawns up, and any time your Queen is tied up defending a pawn it can't be good. Now compare this analysis with NM Peterson's Best Game analysis and tell me who knows more about chess :-)
Thanks again to all,
J.C. MacNeil